الجمعة، 4 مارس 2016

Introduction to Urine analysis

Introduction to Urine analysis

1-    Sample collection

Samples should be collected in clean sterile container (preferred to be wide mouthed vessel)

2-    Methods of collection

Mid stream of urine is the best representative sample , avoid first stream of urine

types of collection :

a-    First morning sample:
 it is the most concentrated urine sample, contain usually mucous, pus and bacteria.
b-    24 hours sample : 
the bladder emptied at specific time and urine of the next 24 hours are collected
c-     Mid stream sample : for routine urine analysis
d-    Fasting specimen : used for glucose investigation
e-     Catheterized urine sample : for microbiological  studies

3-    Timing of examination :

Sample should be examined within 1 hour of collection 
 ( it is preferred to avoid storing urine in refrigerators to avoid microbiological contamination  and decomposition of some constituents).

What happens when you leave urine sample unexamined more than 1 hour ???
The urine start to decompose, that may lead to :
-         RBC's lyse
-         Bilirubin  &urobilinogen oxidize
-         PH changes
-         Depletion of glucose
-         Disappearance of casts
-         Side chemical reactions

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